Latest posts (Page 5)

I have arrived

The Dharma Seal of Plum Village is “I have arrived, I am home.” It means happiness is possible. Freedom is possible. Right now. Right here. Thich Nhat Hanh
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Fifth Sun

Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs by Camilla Townsend Camilla Townsend has pulled off a remarkable magic trick in this book, reconstituting the Mexica empire with an amazing level of detail and sensitivity. It makes the Aztecs feel like a real people, with a vibrant and complex culture, instead
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Say their names.

An offering for the dead, who were alive last weekend and should still be alive today. #stopasianhate #saytheirnames (at Civic Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMs1ESBJgu8/?igshid=1te7uu6562cdf
Dylan Tweney

San Francisco.

San Francisco (at Aquatic Park Historic District) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLkWjW7JF6-/?igshid=1jd1evndhu7wb
Dylan Tweney

Bay mud

A lovely evening for a swim. The tide was low and the water cool, and as I waded out (quite far before it was deep enough to swim) I noticed that the squishy mud I was wading through was warm, quite a bit warmer than the water actually. estuary :: the night gives back what […]
Dylan Tweney

We are already a buddha

“We are already a Buddha so why not just take the hand of another Buddha and practice walking meditation?” -Thich Nhat Hanh https://www.instagram.com/p/CLN0iCAJv9a/?igshid=1r93kj6hzzm3w
Dylan Tweney

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