Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts
Rough Drafts

CES 2007 highlights.

My very idiosyncratic list: Scariest product: Security Spy Direct was demonstrating a combination flashlight/taser. As the brochure says: “Your opponent’s eyes will literally POP OUT OF HIS HEAD when you send 500,000 volts of stunning electrical power into his body with our stun guns.” Then you can
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Published Work

Ultra Wideband Will Cut the Cable Clutter

LAS VEGAS–New wireless networking technologies are poised to cut the cable clutter on your desktop–starting with USB cables. At CES 2007, vendors including Tzero, Alareon, Staccato, and even DaimlerChrysler are demonstrating wireless networking technologies based on ultrawideband (UWB). And in the c
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Rough Drafts

Tech trends and predictions 2007.

It’s a new year, and it’s time for pundits — even part-time pundits like me — to make their predictions. For someone who loves tech products, it’s an even more titillating time, because CES will bring an avalanche of them. So here are 7 key tech trends for 2007, and a measurable index (my prediction
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

Slashdot | Wikinomics

From a review of Wikinomics on Slashdot: a snapshot of BoingBoing’s home page counted 11788 words, of which 6472 were between “blockquote” tags — so more than 50% of the page is borrowed text. Slashdot | Wikinomics
Dylan Tweney


I think “wikinomics” should be shorthand for “a half-assed job is good enough, as long as you do it faster and cheaper.” Wikinomics could change everything as concept of sharing spreads – Yahoo! News
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Blogger out of beta.

You’d think after 5 years and millions of users, Blogger would be sporting some significant improvements now that it’s finally out of beta. Unfortunately, what I notice most is what’s broken: My “BlogThis!” button no longer works. The site sometimes gets hung up on the “publishing” page (even though
Dylan Tweney

The Internet Finds Its Purpose.

What the internet was invented for: Snooping on other people’s petty crimes. This is the beginning of “Little Brother,” people! The Internet Finds Its Purpose – Columns by PC Magazine
Dylan Tweney

Define your own success.

Happy New Year! As you ponder making resolutions, consider this advice from 37signals: Define your own success – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) (and click through to the Steve Jobs speech if you haven’t read it before)
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Why video pre-rolls are a bad idea.

Pre-rolls — the short 10-15 second commercials that some video sites often make you watch before you get to the actual content you want to watch — are a bad idea. Here’s why: When you’re flipping the channels on the TV and you come to a channel with a commercial, do you stop and wait […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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