Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2001 posts
Rough Drafts

Tech trends and predictions 2007.

It’s a new year, and it’s time for pundits — even part-time pundits like me — to make their predictions. For someone who loves tech products, it’s an even more titillating time, because CES will bring an avalanche of them. So here are 7 key tech trends for 2007, and a measurable index (my prediction
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

Slashdot | Wikinomics

From a review of Wikinomics on Slashdot: a snapshot of BoingBoing’s home page counted 11788 words, of which 6472 were between “blockquote” tags — so more than 50% of the page is borrowed text. Slashdot | Wikinomics
Dylan Tweney


I think “wikinomics” should be shorthand for “a half-assed job is good enough, as long as you do it faster and cheaper.” Wikinomics could change everything as concept of sharing spreads – Yahoo! News
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Blogger out of beta.

You’d think after 5 years and millions of users, Blogger would be sporting some significant improvements now that it’s finally out of beta. Unfortunately, what I notice most is what’s broken: My “BlogThis!” button no longer works. The site sometimes gets hung up on the “publishing” page (even though
Dylan Tweney

The Internet Finds Its Purpose.

What the internet was invented for: Snooping on other people’s petty crimes. This is the beginning of “Little Brother,” people! The Internet Finds Its Purpose – Columns by PC Magazine
Dylan Tweney

Define your own success.

Happy New Year! As you ponder making resolutions, consider this advice from 37signals: Define your own success – Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) (and click through to the Steve Jobs speech if you haven’t read it before)
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Why video pre-rolls are a bad idea.

Pre-rolls — the short 10-15 second commercials that some video sites often make you watch before you get to the actual content you want to watch — are a bad idea. Here’s why: When you’re flipping the channels on the TV and you come to a channel with a commercial, do you stop and wait […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Starseed quiz.

Are you a child of the stars? Apparently I’ve got some ancestral roots in the Pleiades. The Starseed Quiz
Dylan Tweney

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