Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts
The iPad Is (Just) Television 2.0

The iPad Is (Just) Television 2.0

The iPad has touched a nerve in the geek community. Judging by comments on Wired.com and elsewhere, many people are outraged that Apple would try to foist a less-capable, dumbed-down device on an unsuspecting public. Thanks to clever marketing, these people point out, Apple has persuaded us to spend
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Database migration.

Database migration.

I spent way too much of last Sunday figuring out how to import over 300 articles from my database of published articles into WordPress, to make it easier to find and manage all that work. Those articles are now visible in the published work category here in my blog. I also switched this site to […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

You Could Easily Swallow This 32-GB MicroSD Card

Two — no, three — things in life are sure: Death, taxes, and the fact that storage manufacturers will continue to cram ever-more ridiculous quantities of memory into tinier packages. SanDisk announced a new 32-GB microSDHC card on Monday, effectively doubling the maximum storage capacity of the tiny
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

The Woodstock of Physics

1987: Thousands of physicists crowd a ballroom at the New York Hilton for a hastily arranged marathon session on high-temperature superconductivity. The event generates so much excitement that it is later referred to as the “Woodstock of Physics.” Discovered in 1911, superconductivity is a phenomeno
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Lightweight Boots Shore Your Feet Up, Never Weigh Them Down

Review: Kayland Zephyr Hiking Boots Hikers usually have to choose between boots that are lightweight and boots that are protective and supportive. Kayland’s Zephyrs override that dilemma with a polyurethane exoskeleton that gives the boots leatherlike rigidity, while keeping them lightweight (about
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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