
Writing circles and workshops (update)

What I've been up to: Hosting a writing circle, leading a training session on professional writing, and somehow getting mentioned in an NPR radio story about CompuServe.
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Zoom gallery of smiling faces
Some of the many great folks attending my COOP workshop on professional writing

Sometimes, everything seems to land on one day. Here's a quick update on some interesting things from my Tuesday.

👉 The Kindle version of my research report is now available. I've made it free, for this week only. Get it now while it's on sale! Content Creation: State of the Art 2024

👉 This morning, I held my first "Writers at Work" writing circle with 7 other writers. Folks connected to the 90-minute Zoom from Southern California, Indiana, Georgia, Connecticut, Finland, and India (!!). We all enjoyed checking in with each other, a brief grounding meditation, and then an hour of focused writing time.

People in the group reported that they were able to make good progress on their writing, and we had a great discussion in the debrief at the end.

The next writing circles in this series are happening on October 29 and November 19. Join us! You can get more info and sign up here.

👉 A few hours later, I offered a one-hour workshop on professional writing to about 60 members of the current COOP Careers cohort. These folks brought energy, engagement, and many great questions to the workshop.

COOP is a terrific organization that helps first-generation college graduates build peer networks and professional skills so they can start careers in digital marketing and financial services. For more information, visit https://coopcareers.org/

The workshop covered

🧱 5 basic building blocks of good professional writing
🚀 7 hacks for instantly elevating your writing
⭐️ 7 power-ups to make the writing process less painful

(If that sounds like something that would benefit your organization, please get in touch.)

👉 Finally, I was quoted a couple of times in this radio story about the history of CompuServe by Michael DeBonis of WOSU public radio, an NPR affiliate in Columbus, Ohio.

CompuServe officially launched as a consumer service on September 24, 1979 – 45 years ago.

For a while, in the early 90s, it was my primary means of online communication – and I can still remember my wonky email address there (72241.443@compuserve.com).

Michael did a great job with this piece about a true pioneer of online information that, weirdly, emerged out of an insurance company in the middle of Ohio.

45 years ago CompuServe connected the world before the World Wide Web
On September 24, 1979, Columbus-based CompuServe launched its online service for consumers. Its subscribers were among the first to have access to email, online chat, digital newspapers and the ability to share and download files.

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