

Scraps and sketches from my notebook

509 posts

Camera review in Wired.

My first review for Wired is out, in April’s issue. It’s on page 74, but for you digital types, it’s also midway down this page: Wired 14.04: PLAY
Dylan Tweney

Attention and sex.

“There isn’t a single great work in the history of civilization, no novel, symphony, film, or song that was completed as a 1/5th time-slice between e-mail, IM, cellphones and television.” Attention and sex –
Dylan Tweney

Transparent chip, anyone?

Not ready for show time yet, but still pretty cool (and environmentally-friendly, too, the researchers claim): World’s first transparent integrated circuit created
Dylan Tweney

O’Reilly Radar: Reading 2.0

Tim O’Reilly posts a lengthy list of links from the Reading 2.0 summit in SF yesterday, which covers a range of issues relevant to libraries and publishers, including DRM, tagging, microformats, access, and more.
Dylan Tweney

Roomba Frogger

Glad it wasn’t my $300 robot Torrone sent out into traffic, that crazy guy: Roomba takes Frogger to the asphalt jungle | CNET
Dylan Tweney

Tibetan sky burial.

Photographs of a “sky burial,” where vultures are invited to eat the corpse: Tibetan sky burial in China. (And here’s another eyewitness account, with better text but no pics)
Dylan Tweney


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