

Scraps and sketches from my notebook

509 posts

Free Julie Amero!

Julie Amero is the Connecticut teacher facing a possible 40 year prison sentence because the PC in her classroom got hit by a porn popup storm. This appears to be her site: Julie Amero
Dylan Tweney

Jobs on DRM: The record labels made me do it.

Apple: “In 2006, under 2 billion DRM-protected songs were sold worldwide by online stores, while over 20 billion songs were sold completely DRM-free and unprotected on CDs by the music companies themselves.” Apple – Thoughts on Music
Dylan Tweney

Pilotless drone.

I think I speak for all editors when I say we love nutcase feedback like this: Chronicle Podcasts : “Pilotless Drone”
Dylan Tweney

Broadband as a labor issue.

I’m happy to see that the Communications Workers of America (that’s a trade union, for all of you Silicon Valley readers who have never heard of such a thing) is launching a campaign to push for faster broadband for all US citizens. It’s a union issue because it means more jobs pulling cables and fi
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Firefox 2.0.

Firefox 2.0, which I finally upgraded to this week, offers two standout advantages relative to 1.5. It’s faster. Pages load noticeably quicker — in some cases, as little as 50% of the time they took under 1.5, judging by the performance I’ve seen on Bloglines, Gmail, and an assortment of websites. L
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Spammers, please adjust your scripts.

To the comment spammers hitting my haiku site: There is something buggy with one of your scripts. I keep getting these comments that contain nothing but a bogus email address and a single word: Array Now, come on. You call this comment spam? Not even a link to a phentermine or Cialis site? No keywor
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Wikipedia color swatches.

Somebody has spent a lot of time putting hex codes and swatches for every imaginable color into wikipedia, along with links to related color entries. This is actually useful. Some examples: safety orange – chartreuse – ecru – but not, alas, Pantone 292
Dylan Tweney

How to hack the government.

Carl Malamud explains 10 tricks for making government work for you. Mostly practical, a few idealistic: Internet Archive: Details: Hack 1: Be Media (Internet Governance in a Nutshell)
Dylan Tweney


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