Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2001 posts
Rough Drafts

Another iPod request.

Dear Steve Jobs: Next time you update the iPod and iTunes, can you please make the music styles listed in the equalization settings the same as the default music styles listed in the “Genre” field for each song? That way my iPod could automatically adjust the EQ based on the genre of each song. It [
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Dragon running.

From underneath the dragon, the Chinese New Year parade in San Francisco is a fast, loud, and exciting event. Children scream and reach their hands up for the lower edge of the dragon as we sweep it over their heads. Keeping up with the runner in front of you takes concentration. Sometimes, around a
Dylan Tweney 6 min read

Electra Bikes

Cool “crank-forward” bikes (supposedly more comfortable, slightly reclined ride): Electra (via Wired News)
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Need a list manager.

I’ve temporarily put my haiku site, tinywords, on hold. (Apology here.) During the break, I’d like to fix some nagging technical issues with the site. Top of the list: Find a mailing list manager to replace Mailman. I’m looking for suggestions. Mailman’s good points: Free. Mailman’s bad points: Exce
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Queen of Narnia.

Chronicles of Narnia is a pretty good movie, with some truly beautiful visual effects (especially those to do with snow, fur, and talking animals). But Tilda Swinton as the White Witch is an awesome villain, maybe one of the greats — right up there with Darth Vader and Khan. I was cheering for her t
Dylan Tweney

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