Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts
Rough Drafts

Ms. Dewey and Clippy: Separated at birth?

I may be way off base here, but isn’t Ms. Dewey uncannily similar to Microsoft’s earlier pathetic attempt at humanizing the computer, Clippy? Sure, one is a babe, and the other is a cartoon paperclip. But work with me here: They both have a pretentious, officious manner. They both rap on the glass t
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Tech Tips Video: Search Smarter

The first installment in a series of short (2-3 minute) how-to videos from PC Magazine and PCMagCast, starring yours truly. In this video, I show you how to get rid of that animated puppy that pops up when you’re searching for files on a Windows XP machine. PCMagCast Tech Tips Video: Search Smarter
Dylan Tweney

News is something someone wants to suppress.

“News is something someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising.” —Lord Northcliffe By that measure, there are mighty few true news reporters in tech publishing right now. Declan McCullough, certainly; Kim Zetter‘s coverage of e-voting machines also qualifies. Who else is uncovering new
Dylan Tweney

10 tips for time management.

First thing in the morning, even before checking email, spend an hour getting your most important task done. 10 tips for time management in a multitasking world » Brazen Careerist
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

The idiocy of crowds.

Groups of people are uncannily accurate at guessing the number of beans in a jar, the weight of a steer, and the like. In fact, the bigger the group, the more accurate its collective guess — a principle known as the Condorcet Jury Theorem. There’s a significant limitation, though: This only works if
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Flood maps.

This interactive Google Maps mashup shows how much different parts of the world will get flooded by a 1-7 1-14 meter rise in sea level. Navigate to the part you’re interested in and tell the app how much to raise the ocean, and a blue overlay covers up the parts that will get inundated. Scary. […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

20 more feet.

Most shocking thing I learned last weekend: A huge Antarctic ice shelf disintegrated over a 35-day period in 2002, much to the surprise of the scientists tracking it. This shelf, designated Larsen B, was about 700 feet thick and covered 3,500 square km — about the area of Rhode Island. The scientist
Dylan Tweney 2 min read


“It’s not theism that we should object to, it’s gnosticism.” My letter to Wired regarding their recent “New Atheism” feature: Letters – From Dylan Tweney
Dylan Tweney

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