Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

How to get poetry editors to accept your work.

Ignore their advice. Lie to them, saying that you took the advice. Kiss their asses. And then, years later, brag about how you put one over on them. Choriamb: What to do when an editor asks one to revise (NB: if a writer did this to me, and I found out, they’d be blacklisted for […]
Dylan Tweney


Clara came home from the library yesterday with a copy of The Brain, by Seymour Simon. Last night she and I sat on the couch as she flipped through the book, showing me what the brain looks like dissected, in MRI, in models. I pointed out different parts of the brain. Karen quizzed her on […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

363 tons of $100 bills.

363 tons of $100 bills were flown to Iraq under Paul Bremer’s watch. That’s $12 billion in cash. And he has no idea where it went: When Will Media Deeply Probe U.S. Corruption in Iraq? – Yahoo! News
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

The Earth Prize.

Richard Branson has set up a $25 million prize for the first person who can come up with a workable way of removing a billion tons of CO2 from the atmosphere every year. It’s a clever idea, offering a big prize as an incentive to spur innovative research. Big purses like this (or the X-Prize, […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Made in China.

Doing some research into the global PC industry, I discovered that 82.6% of notebooks are made by Taiwanese companies. By 2010, it will be 92.5%, according to a mid-2006 press release from iSuppli. These Taiwanese companies, known as original design manufacturers, don’t just build notebooks–they des
Dylan Tweney

Free Julie Amero!

Julie Amero is the Connecticut teacher facing a possible 40 year prison sentence because the PC in her classroom got hit by a porn popup storm. This appears to be her site: Julie Amero
Dylan Tweney

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