Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts
Rough Drafts

Your computer is training you.

Getting even simple things done with a slightly underpowered computer and a bunch of web-based applications means you spend a lot of time waiting. Waiting for TypePad to publish a post, waiting for Gmail to populate the screen with a list of the latest messages, waiting for an image to download so y
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

I 8 NY.

The game looks lame, and the trailer is weak, but the phrase is awesome. I would totally buy a T-shirt that had a big, bold, Helvetica I 8 NY and a picture of Godzilla on it. In black. Dinohunters: I 8 NY Trailer
Dylan Tweney

I’m on Cranky Geeks.

I’ll be appearing on John C. Dvorak’s internet video show, Cranky Geeks, today at 12:30pm Pacific, together with my old Ziff Davis friends Sebastian Rupley and Cade Metz. With luck, I’ll get in a good rant or two about censorship, surveillance, and Tablet PCs. UPDATE 5/24: Video now available, at th
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Zebra pens.

It seems to be a law of ballpoint pens that the best ones inevitably disappear, leaving behind only inferior writing implements. Thus I have managed, over the past year, to lose three Fisher Space Pens (really the perfect all-purpose pocket pen) while the promising but ultimately disappointing Zebra
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Geeks and Suits Rub Shoulders at GigaOm Party

Om Malik and TheLadders.com CEO Mark Cenedella joined forces to throw a cocktail party at San Francisco’s Pier 38 Thursday evening. Was this a turning point for the boomlet of optimism and hope that has been tagged with the lame moniker of “web 2.0”? Maybe, but whether it’s the high water mark or th
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

I’ve been outed.

My coworker Kristen Philipkoski outed me as a Vogue subscriber. I only read it for the Jeffrey Steingarten columns, I swear.
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Floola: A cure for iTunes poisoning.

I finally found an antidote to the bloated, overgrown, poorly designed mess that is iTunes. It’s a little freeware app called Floola that is just a few megabytes in size and requires no installation, so you can just put the application file on your iPod and run it from there. Floola has a straightfo
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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