Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2004 posts
Published Work

The Undesigned Web

Design reigned supreme in the 20th century, when it was an integral part of the way artists, publishers, governments and political parties communicated to the first mass audiences.
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Published Work


Grayson is a book by long-distance swimmer Lynne Cox about her encounter with a baby whale and her adventure guiding it back to sea. I came to read it because I’ve been taking my nine-year-old daughter on occasional early-morning swims. She’s one of those kids who loves the ocean, and really water o
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
A Chip Is Born: Inside a State-of-the-Art Clean Room

A Chip Is Born: Inside a State-of-the-Art Clean Room

If you wish to compose an e-mail, index a database of web pages, stream a kitten video in 720p or render an explosion at 60 frames per second, you must first build a computer. And to build a computer, you must first design and fabricate the tiny processors that rapidly churn through the millions of
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Journalism in the Age of Online Collaboration
Rough Drafts

Journalism in the Age of Online Collaboration

Savvy journalists have adapted (or have been forced to adapt) to a new, more collaborative publishing model online. Here are my notes from a keynote presentation I delivered on this topic at the OCLC Collaboration Forum, held at the Smithsonian, on September 21. Matsuo Kinsaku was born around 1644 i
Dylan Tweney 6 min read
Published Work

.haiku column No. 1 – Haiku Society of America

Thanks to the internet, haiku is making a return to the kind of collaborative, interactive spirit out of which it originally emerged almost four centuries ago. As the editor of tinywords, I’ve seen this kind of evolution emerge spontaneously on many occasions. To see what I mean, let’s first rewind
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

The importance of “Making”

Frank Bidart: What to make, how to make, what does making mean in our lives? What do we make, why do make, when are we making? How important is making? What is the life of a maker, what is the life of an artist, what’s left when you’re not making anything? From Bidart’s amazing 2006 […]
Dylan Tweney

Tanka: Deep night

deep night– after the neighbor stops yelling at her children the mockingbird begins to warble Published in A Handful of Stones, September 6, 2010
Dylan Tweney
Apple’s Newest Watch Is … Wait, What? It’s an iPod Nano?

Apple’s Newest Watch Is … Wait, What? It’s an iPod Nano?

What time is it? Who cares! Apple’s newest timepiece puts music, photos and step-counting front-and-center, and lets the minutes fall where they may. Sure, you can check the time, but that’s hardly the point with this attractive piece of wrist jewelry. Its unisex design goes equally well with a man’
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Apple Takes Aim at Cable With Tiny New Apple TV

Apple Takes Aim at Cable With Tiny New Apple TV

SAN FRANCISCO — In a sign that its television “hobby” has turned into serious business, Apple announced an aggressively-priced new set-top box that takes aim at the heart of the cable TV and DVD rental industries. The new Apple TV, which will go on sale at the end of September for $100, is a puny […
Dylan Tweney 3 min read


inside the tight curlof the yucca leafa wood spider haiku published on A Handful of Stones, 19 August 2010
Dylan Tweney

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