Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

Body cameras are the first step to reducing police brutality

Let’s get one thing clear: No gadget will fix bad policing. There is no app to cure racism. But putting body cameras on police officers is one hell of a start. It is one of the few areas where a new technology offers a clear, unambiguous social benefit. Usually there are tradeoffs and unintended con
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

Successful people

“It’s extremely dangerous to follow the advice of successful people. Those successful people often don’t even know why they are successful. Luck may have been part of it. And even if they did know, how do you know their recipe for success is applicable to you?” — Wise words from the founder of Finni
Dylan Tweney

What Uber tells us about tech startups vs. journalists

We know this much: Uber has a huge public relations problem on its hands. On Monday, Buzzfeed reported comments made by a senior vice president on Uber’s team, Emil Michael, at a private dinner. Michael’s comments suggested that he felt Uber would be justified in hiring an opposition research team t
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Opera lives

Hundreds of people, including NYC’s former mayor, plan to protest the Met’s production of “Klinghoffer.” Protests! Against an opera — an art form that, for most Americans, is completely dead. I enjoy opera quite a bit, but I’m used to it trafficking in stories that — while offensively bloody (Lucia
Dylan Tweney

Re-educating myself.

I was chatting via IM with science writer and Wired contributor Quinn Norton recently when a light bulb went on. We were talking about math and physics, a conversation spurred by Quinn’s reading of the remarkable Garrett Lisi‘s paper proposing a new unified theory of physics. 2:52:52 PM Dylan Tweney
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Make a Better Product

If your product isn’t selling, who do you turn to? Those who help make your product? Or those who buy it? For newspaper publishers it’s a trick question, because they’re accustomed to thinking of their customers as their readers. That’s not true: Their readers are the product, and advertisers are th
Dylan Tweney

What to Think, Ep. 14: Talking big data with Hilary Mason

In this episode, Dylan Tweney and Jordan Novet catch up with data science maven (and New York tech scene fixture) Hilary Mason about her new startup, Fast Forward Labs, and how it will help companies solve their data science problems. Read more about Fast Forward Labs on VentureBeat. And we also tel
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

What to Think, Ep. 13: Resurrecting Prodigy

In this episode, Dylan Tweney and Jordan Novet speak with Benj Edwards, a journalist who is digging up screenshots from the old Prodigy online service. We talk about the challenges and joys of digital archeology. If you want to know more, check out Edwards’ website about Vintage Computing. And we al
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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