Media Appearances

I talk to Fox Business about CES 2015

Wearables will be everywhere at CES, I said last week on the eve of the big gadget show. “Everyone wants to be the next Apple watch,” I told Fox Business, “but unfortunately we’re going to have to wait for the Apple Watch to come out.” And as everyone knows, Apple doesn’t do CES. I also […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Screenshot of Dylan Tweney on Fox Business talking to Charles Payne.

Screenshot of Dylan Tweney on Fox Business talking to Charles Payne.

Wearables will be everywhere at CES, I said last week on the eve of the big gadget show.

“Everyone wants to be the next Apple watch,” I told Fox Business, “but unfortunately we’re going to have to wait for the Apple Watch to come out.” And as everyone knows, Apple doesn’t do CES.

I also talked about the 8k TVs that will be hyped at this year’s CES. “Manufacturers are going to be showing off 8K TVs, which are 16 times as many pixels that you have in your HD TV today,” I said. “But there’s no content for 8K, there are no cameras for 8K, and most people don’t even know why they need a 4K TV yet.”

What else could I complain about? Virtual reality masks like Oculus VR. If you liked the way you looked in Google Glass, you’re going to love Oculus, I joked.

Watch the latest video at video.foxbusiness.com


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