Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

So in all the delights of the world almost

A gentleman never dances so well as the dancing master, and an ordinary fiddler makes better musique for a shilling than a gentleman will do after spending forty, and so in all the delights of the world almost. –The Diary of Samuel Pepys, Weds. 27 January 1663/64
Dylan Tweney
How You Got My Attention
Rough Drafts

How You Got My Attention

One of today’s top recommended stories in my Medium feed is a piece intriguingly titled “How I Got My Attention Back.” I clicked through, only to see that Medium estimated it as a 14-minute read. Fourteen minutes! You expect me to spend more than half a pomodoro of my precious attention on a wanderi
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
The difficulty with complexity.
Rough Drafts

The difficulty with complexity.

As a society, we are facing a crisis of understanding. Fake news is just the latest expression of a deeper problem: We have more and more difficulty thinking about (and talking about) complex topics. In short, it’s hard to convey nuance and multiplicity with the media we have today. Social networks
Dylan Tweney 4 min read
Santa is real.

Santa is real.

This year I took the kids shopping with me on Christmas Eve. I gave them $60 each: A twenty to buy a present for their mom, a twenty to buy a present for their sibling, and a twenty to buy some stocking stuffers for the other three members of the family. “You’re going to help play […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Signing off Facebook for awhile.
Rough Drafts

Signing off Facebook for awhile.

I’m done with Facebook for now, so I am signing off for awhile. Partly I am annoyed with the company for not taking a stand against the Trump administration and its elected leader’s comments about making lists of Muslims and immigrants. For the company’s COO to attend a meeting with Trump yesterday
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Nonviolence and Standing Rock

A really insightful essay on why nonviolence plays such an important role at Standing Rock — and how it might work going forward. “The way we see and treat someone is a powerful invitation for them to be as we see them. See someone as deplorable, and even their peace overtures will look like cynical
Dylan Tweney

7 years since tinywords relaunched

Has it really been 7 years since I relaunched tinywords.com? Time flies. I am no longer editing the journal — that job has been ably taken over by Kathe Palka and Peter Newton — but I continue to maintain the technical side of the site, which is now about 16 years old. It is one […]
Dylan Tweney

Don’t panic

This is what I was searching for about not panicking and not overdoing the outrage. (click through to see Quinn’s whole thread) Let me say something to my friends about the political emotion of the moment… I have spent an unusual portion of my life in mortal danger. — Quinn's internet
Dylan Tweney

If language is not correct

“If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant; if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains undone; if this remains undone, morals and art will deteriorate; if justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion. Hence there must be […
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Specific gratitude

Keeping a gratitude diary, or less pretentiously, taking some time out of every day to write down the things you’re thankful for, is an effective way to increase happiness. And I’d like to suggest one small addition. In addition to writing down things you’re thankful for (rainbows, puppies, burrit
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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