Rough Drafts

Web sites are becoming obsolete,

Web sites are becoming obsolete, as I’ve long argued. This article by Harvard Business Review editor Nicholas G. Carr makes the point convincingly. He points single-function applications like Napster, interactive email tools like Zaplets, and mobile/wireless commerce tools — all of which utilize the
Dylan Tweney

Web sites are becoming obsolete, as I’ve long argued. This article by Harvard Business Review editor Nicholas G. Carr makes the point convincingly. He points single-function applications like Napster, interactive email tools like Zaplets, and mobile/wireless commerce tools — all of which utilize the Internet without requiring the user to “go” to a Web “site.” In the future, Carr says, the Web will be transformed from “‘a clumsy and page-by-page experience’ to a set of customized, specialized tools controlled by the individual.”
Out of Site

What comes after Web sites? Distributed merchandising.


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