
167 posts

Overstock.com could begin first Bitcoin-based stock trades

I’m a stringer for VentureBeat this week at the #Money2020 conference, looking for good stories about blockchain. Here’s one about how Overstock.com is about to offer stock (in itself) via T0, its Bitcoin-based equities trading platform. (Just don’t call it an exchange, even though it is.) Official
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

I, for one, welcome our new surveillance robot overlords

Knightscope founder and CEO William Santana Li is not modest in his ambitions. He estimates that crime — of all kinds — has an annual global economic impact of a trillion dollars. That’s $1 trillion lost every year due to theft, vandalism, robbery, violence, and more. He wants to cut that in half. A
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

Netflix reveals the future of enterprise tech: Here’s why

I was sitting in a conference on enterprise infrastructure this week when I realized that the generational shift long promised by cloud advocates is finally, irreversibly underway. That shift is away from “legacy” data centers built on x86 servers, VMware-managed hypervisors, SQL databases from Orac
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

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