The Tweney Report

41 posts
Published Work


One sad side effect of online life is that the longer you stick around, the more spam you get. This is particularly true if your email address appears online in any clear, unobscured form [Why Am I Getting All This Spam? (3/2003 report by CDT)]. After being online at more or less the same address […
Dylan Tweney 5 min read
Published Work

Less is Moore.

I was watching “A Beautiful Mind” recently and was struck how much the mathematician John Nash’s schizophrenia, as portrayed in the movie, was like my online life: Ethereal voices constantly impinging on my attention, demanding responses, distracting me from the work (and people) at hand. Only in my
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Published Work

Understanding weblogs

I’ve been spending the past several weeks messing around with weblogs. I’ve written about the topic of weblogs before [1,2] and last week’s column for Business 2.0 was about the business uses of “blogging” for content and project management [3]. But last week, a few light bulbs went on. My own web s
Dylan Tweney 5 min read

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