Technology Review

5 posts
Published Work

Fon Hopes Its Hotspots Will Rival Cellular

Sure, you can browse the Web from your local coffee shop, thanks to its Wi-Fi connection. But what about leaving your cell phone at home and using cafes and other Wi-Fi “hotspots” to place free or cheap Internet-based phone calls using a laptop or Wi-Fi phone? Not yet. The problem isn’t bandwidth —
Dylan Tweney 4 min read
Published Work

You’ve Got PayMail

A new pay-per-message model, currently under consideration by AOL and Yahoo, is meant to avert problems stemming from the flood of spam (junk e-mail) by requiring companies to pay for certified e-mail deliveries, in the same way they pay for certified snail mailings. There’s only one problem: No one
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Published Work

Google’s Private Lives

A new search technology from Google makes it possible for law enforcement officials to examine personal documents from your hard drive, without your knowing it, according to the digital-rights advocacy organization Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). Released last week, Google Desktop 3, the lates
Dylan Tweney 5 min read
Published Work

Esperanto for Toasters

In the not-too-distant future, your cell phone might become the key to your home. By transmitting a signal to a sensor, your phone will announce your arrival and the front door will unlock. And that’s just the first step. Transmitters in the door will send signals elsewhere in your house, switching
Dylan Tweney 4 min read
Published Work

Eyes on the Prize

When Stanford University’s robotic Volkswagen Touareg, “Stanley,” won the Grand Challenge last week, robot enthusiasts everywhere cheered. By completing a 210-kilometer course over difficult desert terrain in just under seven hours, Stanley set an unprecedented milestone for autonomous vehicles. Eve
Dylan Tweney 5 min read

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