
33 posts


They are cutting down the pine tree on the corner. It was maybe 80’ tall and almost three feet in diameter, perfectly healthy, an old tree full of years. And now it’s mostly wood chips. Today, for the first time in weeks, the sky is blue, and there is more of it than before. I […]
Dylan Tweney


Watch out for that first step At the Zen group, after sitting for half an hour, we took turns reading from Charlotte Joko Beck’s Everyday Zen. The key question in the selection we read, on what the practice is: What can you rely on? Joko Beck’s answer: You can rely on life to continue being […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts


The dogs have fleas. The cat keeps pooping on the kitchen floor. The house is of course a mess, and my daughter is graduating from high school tomorrow — assuming she got rid of that F in English.  Meanwhile, my wife is recovering from her 2nd eye surgery in a month, after two months of […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read


The world constantly reminds us that nothing is permanent. Nothing escapes destruction. wisteria in bloom :: what the old stones don’t tell
Dylan Tweney


breakfast the bowl holds five yolks from three eggs :: suddenly thinking about the lives of the chickens
Dylan Tweney


touching the Earth ::savoring each sliceof the tangerine (with a 🙏to Thich Nhat Hanh) (photo by Michael Dorausch michaeldorausch.com)
Dylan Tweney

Fellow Travelers

I have traveled across the midriff of america in semidarkness the windows closed so I cannot see what waters stretch out before us or what cities alongside us the darkness and smells of sleep surround me and my companions rest their arms against my arms, thin layers of fabric all that keep our skin
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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