

Scraps and sketches from my notebook

509 posts

Deliberate practice.

How to get better at doing most things: Practice. Actually, “deliberate practice,” which means “setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.”
Dylan Tweney

Interactive poetry beats interactive fiction

Clive Thompson: “… interactive narrative is an oxymoron. It’s like talking about “dry water”. The audience’s lack of control over a story is the crucial part of what makes narrative narrative.” Why interactive poetry beats interactive fiction.
Dylan Tweney

RLG to combine with OCLC

Congratulations to my friends at RLG. (For you non-library folks: This news is a bit like Yahoo merging with Google, except for libraries). RLG to combine with OCLC
Dylan Tweney

Wi-Fi + GSM

“T-Mobile USA is expected to roll out UMA [wi-fi phone] services within the next six months.” Light Reading – UMA Services Near Reality
Dylan Tweney


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