

Scraps and sketches from my notebook

509 posts


African American Zen teacher angel Kyoto williams succinctly makes the link between climate crisis and racism when she says, “The reason we continue to degrade the earth is that we continue to degrade each other.” Developing a Mindful Approach to Earth Justice Work – Kosmos Journal
Dylan Tweney


I’m having some trouble with Step 1
Dylan Tweney


The really funny thing, though, is that when you finally do come face to face with it, you recognize that it’s something you knew all along. It’s been right there with you the whole time. It never went away. It was never hidden. It was never the least bit obscure. It was up in your […]
Dylan Tweney


A typical New York Times op-ed
Dylan Tweney


At the festival, a young woman asked Dr. Gagliano how her scientific work had changed her understanding of the world. “The main difference is that I used to live in a world of objects, and now I live in a world of subjects,” she said. There were murmurs of approval. “And so, I am never […]
Dylan Tweney


If I sound cynical, it’s only because I’m not a complete idiot. Opinion | C.E.O.s Should Fear a Recession. It Could Mean Revolution.
Dylan Tweney


So I took the kids to a family retreat at a Zen monastery. The monks and nuns organized the children by age group, and the kids were quickly all in: The 12 year old was shooing me away right after orientation and by the second day the 18 year old was asking when she could […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read


The hills going up the Grapevine last week were PURPLE. This photo, taken by my son with my phone, hints at the color but doesn’t do it justice. Coming back down yesterday, all this color was already gone. Enjoy the colors while they last! (at Tejon Mountains)
Dylan Tweney 1 min read


reflected light :: turning the corner a new city in the old one #sanfrancisco #morning #light #nofilter #haiku #micropoetry #micropoem
Dylan Tweney


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