Rough Drafts

Are your all idiots.

One of the delights of running a free haiku site is getting angry, crazy, or just plain bizarre emails from people who feel that, for some reason, my web site is not living up to their expectations. Publish the wrong haiku, and some people will send profanity-laced invective. Skip a few days, and so
Dylan Tweney

One of the delights of running a free haiku site is getting angry, crazy, or just plain bizarre emails from people who feel that, for some reason, my web site is not living up to their expectations. Publish the wrong haiku, and some people will send profanity-laced invective. Skip a few days, and some people wig out completely. Case in point:


I have not received any:

NIL X 5,000000000000000000000000 ZILLION times.

Is your setup folding?

Then get me off your list, so I can subscribe elsewhere!

Are your all idiots who are all fucked up or having troubles with you rotten software!


Put your house in order.

With malice towards none, blessings and kindness towards all, idiots, gurus, savants, whiz kids, geniuses, Nobel prize laureates!

Your aficionado!

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Rough Drafts

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