Rough Drafts

Sony smoke and mirrors.

Jeremy Horowitz at iPodlounge has a pointed critique of Sony’s PlayStation Portable demos earlier this month at E3. The bottom line: the PSP is far from being ready to launch, and Sony’s strategy surrounding it and the Vaio Pocket media player (a supposed “iPod killer”) is confused and contradictory
Dylan Tweney

Jeremy Horowitz at iPodlounge has a pointed critique of Sony’s PlayStation Portable demos earlier this month at E3. The bottom line: the PSP is far from being ready to launch, and Sony’s strategy surrounding it and the Vaio Pocket media player (a supposed “iPod killer”) is confused and contradictory.

I got to fondle a PSP prototype at E3, but Jeremy’s right: Access was carefully controlled, I couldn’t actually hold the PSP or play any games on it, and it’s not clear how fully baked these prototypes were. By contrast, Nintendo’s DS is much further along, with games you can actually play.


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