
Small stones #4-7

My son asks me to time him, then bolts down the sidewalk and out of sight between two strangers. He returns at top speed, twelve long seconds later. 4 Jan 2013   the binoculars reveal distant waves crawling slowly across the horizon 5 Jan 2013   Sunlight breaks through the sky over Capitola, surroun
Dylan Tweney

My son asks me to time him, then bolts down the sidewalk and out of sight between two strangers. He returns at top speed, twelve long seconds later.

4 Jan 2013

the binoculars reveal distant waves
crawling slowly across the horizon

5 Jan 2013

Sunlight breaks through the sky over Capitola, surrounding the surfers with a silvery glare. Along the horizon, a thin bright line underscores the massed grey clouds.

6 Jan 2013

The day after
the sky’s pink and orange haze
matches my own

7 Jan 2013


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