Rough Drafts

Rustlin’ Unix.

“We went out one day and our Unix cows were missing,” [SCO CEO Darl] McBride said … “We looked in the Linux pen, and there’s a bunch of them in there that have our brand on them . . . in this case the copyright. Someone took our cows and we want ’em back — […]
Dylan Tweney

“We went out one day and our Unix cows were missing,” [SCO CEO Darl] McBride said … “We looked in the Linux pen, and there’s a bunch of them in there that have our brand on them . . . in this case the copyright. Someone took our cows and we want ’em back — it’s as simple as that.”

Linus Torvalds: cattle rustler! Who knew?

Showdown With The Linux Gang (Washington Post)


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