Rough Drafts

Retro Dickens.

Dickens’ novel Great Expectations was published serially starting in December 1860 — a new episode appearing each week, just like The West Wing. Now, in December 2002, you can read Dickens’ Great Expectations as Victorians did — except you’ll be viewing .PDF facsimiles that look like the original ne
Dylan Tweney

Dickens’ novel Great Expectations was published serially starting in December 1860 — a new episode appearing each week, just like The West Wing. Now, in December 2002, you can read Dickens’ Great Expectations as Victorians did — except you’ll be viewing .PDF facsimiles that look like the original newsprint broadsides. A new edition comes out every Wednesday. It’s retro tech! Read it or subscribe on Stanford’s Dickens site.


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