Rough Drafts

Q&A with Cory Doctorow.

My interview with Cory Doctorow [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2003/01/23/cdoctorow.DTL] for SFGate.com has just been published. Take a look!
Dylan Tweney

My interview with Cory Doctorow for SFGate.com has just been published. Take a look!

It would make me pretty happy if this book contributed in some way to the idea that reading books on the screen is good. I know that there’s a meme that floats around that says, oh, reading off a screen is hard, and no one wants to do it and so on — despite all the evidence to the contrary. Most of the people I know read off a screen for 12 hours a day.

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