Rough Drafts

Pretend it isn’t there.

If you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right? That’s what Rumsfeld must be thinking: He’s banned camera phones in U.S. Army installations in Iraq. A total ban on camera phones in the military is coming up next, the news reports say. You can slash at the waves but you can’t hold back the tide…. […]
Dylan Tweney

If you can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right? That’s what Rumsfeld must be thinking: He’s banned camera phones in U.S. Army installations in Iraq. A total ban on camera phones in the military is coming up next, the news reports say.

You can slash at the waves but you can’t hold back the tide….

UPDATE 5/25/04: There’s some speculation that this news report is fake, since every outlet is running the same Agence France Presse item and there’s no independent corroboration. Xeni Jardin asked the DoD directly, and found that the ban is not new (it dates to April 14), but it is being newly enforced.


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