While other phones are going large, Motorola is taking things in a different direction: small and tough.
The new Motorola Defy is a compact Android phone that wisely eschews the gigantism of other smartphones. Instead of the HTC Evo’s 4.3-inch screen or the Dell Streak’s 5-incher (please!), the Defy, which is available now from T-Mobile in the United States, has a cute little 3.6-inch display with 480 x 854 pixels. It’s small and pocketable — shorter but thicker than an iPhone 4 and it’s light, weighing just 4 ounces.
Despite its diminutive size, the Defy goes big in one important area: its resistance to water and grit. The case is water-resistant and the screen is made of scratch-resistant Gorilla Glass, a hardened material found in a few other recent phones. If you’ve ever dropped your phone in the toilet, spilled a beer on it or pulled it out of your pocket along with half a pound of sand after a day at the beach, you’ll understand the appeal of these two features.
Full story: Petite Android Seeks Partner for Adventure, Beer | Product Reviews | Wired.com.