Rough Drafts

Partying with Steven Tyler.

It’s not like me to brag too much, but at the recent Vegas trade show CES, I got to party with Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and American bike racing hero Lance Armstrong. OK, I didn’t actually party with them–but I did get to party *near* them, and that was pretty cool to me. Also cool: […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

It’s not like me to brag too much, but at the recent Vegas trade show CES, I got to party with Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler and American bike racing hero Lance Armstrong. OK, I didn’t actually party with them–but I did get to party *near* them, and that was pretty cool to me. Also cool: The well-stocked private bar at each table in the VIP zone. And the buffet at the Bellagio rocks, too. Here are some pics.

Steven Tyler and some woman
Steven Tyler and Lance Armstrong

The waxy looking one is Steven


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