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In the meantime, I leave anyone who has the bad luck to be in public life at this moment with a final thought from Władysław Bartoszewski, who was a member of the wartime Polish underground, a prisoner of both the Nazis and the Stalinists, and then, finally, the foreign minister in two Polish democr
Dylan Tweney


Living a life devoid of ceremony leaves us without allies. Shut out of our reality, they abandon us to a world without intelligence – the very image of modernist ideology. The mechanistic worldview becomes its own self-fulfilling prophecy, and we are indeed left with nothing but force by which to af
Dylan Tweney


In a ceremony, one attends fully to the task at hand, performing each action just as it should be. A ceremony is therefore a practice for all of life, a practice in doing everything just as it should be done. An earnest ceremonial practice is like a magnet that aligns more and more of life […]
Dylan Tweney


How do we protect those susceptible to Covid?” invites us into “How do we care for vulnerable people in general? The Coronation | Charles Eisenstein
Dylan Tweney


There is a vital need to return to “the root of the root,” and at the very core of our predicament is our forgetfulness of the sacred nature of creation. Having forgotten that the Earth is sacred, we use it as a resource to be exploited, and human beings have become consumers to fulfill this […]
Dylan Tweney


Yes, we will have to learn how to live at the end of an era, at a time of increasing insecurity, disturbance, even chaos. We will see more and more the value of care, compassion, and community, and develop the tools of radical resilience, as we are already recognizing in our response to the virus. [
Dylan Tweney


We can’t return to normal, because the normal that we had was precisely the problem. NEW When The Source Ran Free: A Story For The Present Time – Working With Oneness
Dylan Tweney


The Eyak word for rain means “something is happening.”  –Eva Saulitis, Into Great Silence, p. 230 This sentence appears near the end of the book, where Saulitis talks about the Eyak people of the coastal rainforest of Alaska.  The Eyak are a distinct cultural group, separate from the Tlingit, who mi
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

The Big Here

There’s a “Long Now” foundation, devoted to cultivating a broader, more expansive and inclusive sense of time: “Now” could mean not just this second, but this minute, this day, this year, this generation, this century. Perhaps we also need a “Big Here” foundation. After all, “here” could mean many t
Dylan Tweney

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