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This is the University of Chicago “Great Books of the Western World” collection, edited by Mortimer Adler and published in the 1950s. My grandmother, a single mom on a budget, scrimped and saved for months to buy this for my father when he was quite young, maybe 12, and it shaped the rest of his […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read


The word “apocalyptic” is overused. Seriously, it’s just a dark, smoky orange sky. Elsewhere, fires are blazing and firefighters are crawling out of emergency shelters. That’s where the word applies. Here, it’s actually quite peaceful.
Dylan Tweney


10:30am. A layer of smoke overhead so thick it has plunged us back into darkness. The streetlights are on, but no one is out. midday darkness what the raven will tell its children about this day #haiku #haibun #california #smoke https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7K6FzJRwT/?igshid=19jkwj1se9paj
Dylan Tweney


Dios te ama! (at Downtown San Mateo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEj98BcJvk0/?igshid=k3irdo1b7qfk
Dylan Tweney


nastywizard: [ID: A newspaper clipping that reads: “The legendary cellist Pablo Casals was asked why he continued to practice at age 90. “Because I think I’m making progress,” He replied. End ID] Everything about this quote is perfect. His humility (“I think”), implication that how you feel about wh
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Esc Ctrl

Here’s the plan #lifemotto #liberation #esc #ctrl https://www.instagram.com/p/CEAJyOhp5S4/?igshid=1ehzibpw2edwh
Dylan Tweney


Rescued this guy from a curtain. Then he or she posed for me on the jade plant outside. https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9VQymHxXs/?igshid=10tft2tmkjzhj
Dylan Tweney


alwaysanoriginal: We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLivesMatter I hope.  You’ve probably noticed that detractors often use the same “racist talking points” in response. Here’s a researched and sourced guide to help you answer, for the times you may get s
Dylan Tweney 1 min read


True development is in harmony with the needs of people and the rhythms of the natural world. Humans are part of the universe, not its masters. This awareness of the interrelatedness of all things, as expressed in Buddhism, is also lived in the traditions of indigenous peoples throughout the world.
Dylan Tweney


Annie Dillard writes about looking for “the tree with lights in it,” which is a reference to being able to notice a direct perception of the world in all its overwhelming, unfiltered presence. I thought of that when I saw this tree with the sun in it. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDmDfrJJHK4/?igshid=
Dylan Tweney

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