Latest posts (Page 21)
After 3 sessions this is finally done, and it’s f*in awesome. Henry, you are an amazing artist! Better photos to come after this heals up #tattoo #whale #squid
San Mateo October 2018
blossom in the first rays of the sun
#selfie #shadow in the heart of a tree at sunrise today
On today’s run (at Sawyer Camp Trail)
Explaining Facebook to the teenager
The 17 y.o. came to me this morning full of outrage about something one of my friends had posted on Facebook. Here’s what I told her: That outrage you’re feeling? That’s what Facebook is designed to produce. What my friend posted was just her venting. People do that, among friends, after bad experie
1 min read
Occult America (book notes)
I was under the weather the entire first week of July, so I spent July 4 in bed, reading this book by Mitch Horowitz. Published in 2009, Occult America is an entertaining survey of a variety of “occult” religious trends that blossomed over three centuries of American history. Horowitz starts his acc
3 min read
Marathon swimming
According to the Marathon Swimmers Federation, the minimum distance to qualify a swim as a “marathon swim” is 10 kilometers. By that definition, I guess I’m now a marathon swimmer. Yesterday I joined about 20 others in a 10km (6.2 mile) swim from the Capitola pier to the Santa Cruz pier, by way of a
10 min read