Latest posts (Page 14)
My friend told me a story he hadn’t told anyone for years. When he used to tell it years ago people would laugh and say, ‘Who’d believe that? How can that be true? That’s daft.’ So he didn’t tell it again for ages. But for some reason, last night, he knew it would be just […]
3 min read
art adjustment crew (I actually don’t know what’s going on here but I was amused to see these guys’ sweatshirts matched the art on the wall)
The Institute, by Stephen King
The Institute by Stephen King My rating: 3 of 5 stars “The Institute” is a dark vision of psychic power and how it could be abused by a shadowy organization that transcends any one government — people who believe they are doing massive good for the world while actually inflicting tremendous evil on
1 min read
Greta Thunberg tells us: “Avoiding climate breakdown will require cathedral thinking. We must lay the foundation while we may not know exactly how to build the ceiling. Sometimes we just simply have to find a way.” How to Survive the End of the World (A Climate Strike Sermon) | Facebook
The world is always ending somewhere, and another always being born. How to Survive the End of the World (A Climate Strike Sermon) | Facebook
“I’m striking from daycare for this.” Toddler in the labyrinth painted on the street by climate activists yesterday in downtown San Francisco. Photo by @charitykahn #climatestrike @xrsfbay
Son, observe the time (at Old St Mary’s Cathedral)
Meanwhile at the #climatestrike I hung out with a very chill group of Buddhists at the back of the march, right behind 1,000 Grandmothers and just in front of the cops (at Downtown San Francisco)
1 min read