Rough Drafts

New URLs

I’ve moved things around on my site, so everything that was formerly is now — including this weblog (whose new address is Please update your bookmarks & XML syndication links. NOTE: I believe that webmasters should do everything in th
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

I’ve moved things around on my site, so everything that was formerly is now — including this weblog (whose new address is Please update your bookmarks & XML syndication links.

NOTE: I believe that webmasters should do everything in their power to preserve URLs, once they’ve been published — and especially once other people have linked to those URLs.  So I’m not actually removing any content from the site, and old URLs to should still work. In a few cases I’ll make old pages (like the old weblog URL) point to the new pages, so no one gets stranded on the old site, thinking I just haven’t updated it in ages. But, while old content isn’t going away, all the new content will now be posted under the subdomain.

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