Is it too late for holiday shopping? Not at all. If you act fast, you can still get some cool gifts for the geeks on your list. Some are available online and some require a trip to a local store — but all of the items on this list are likely to be well-received by any Wired reader.
This is a partial list, of course. Got any great last-minute nerd gift suggestions? Hit us in the comments!
Red Swingline Stapler
This might appeal more to the dorks than the geeks on your shopping list, but anyone who has seen and lovedOffice Space (and what nerd hasn’t?) will appreciate having their very own red Swingline stapler. $22 from ThinkGeek, which will ship in time for Christmas if you order by 12/21 at 11:59pm Eastern time.
Continue reading the next 16 suggestions on Wired.com: Last-Minute Geeky Christmas Gifts