Rough Drafts

iPod resurrection!

The iPod whose ribbon cable I accidentally punctured last week has been restored to complete health, thanks to a replacement cable from PDASmart.com’s iPod Parts Center. I got the new cable today, spent some time plugging it in (and reseating connectors when it didn’t work immediately), and voila–th
Dylan Tweney

The iPod whose ribbon cable I accidentally punctured last week has been restored to complete health, thanks to a replacement cable from PDASmart.com’s iPod Parts Center. I got the new cable today, spent some time plugging it in (and reseating connectors when it didn’t work immediately), and voila–the iPod works now. Total cost: $10 plus $8 express shipping.

Although the part I needed wasn’t listed on PDASmart’s site, they responded quickly to an email inquiry, and sold me the right part, cheap. I’m impressed!


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