Rough Drafts

Intel’s visionary.

Pat Gelsinger wants Intel technology to touch every last human being on the planet.
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Canada.com has an interview with Pat Gelsinger, senior VP and chief technology officer for Intel.

Q. Do you have a personal goal?
A. To reach the entirety of humanity, every human on earth with our technology.

Q. Sounds nice but how do you do that?
A. Today computers largely require humans to fit with them. In the future computers will largely fit with humans. We have to make technology more transparent and visible, useful in more and more places with less and less sophistication.

Also in Gelsinger’s sights: improved speech recognition, cell phones the size of buttons, radio tracking devices you attach to your kids in the morning, and the “111A laptop” — one pound, one inch thick, one day of battery life, always connected. Can I get one??? Sadly, not for three or four years to come.


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