
Intel Beefs Up CPUs With Graphics Power — and Content Protection

LAS VEGAS — Intel is preparing a new line of processing, graphics and wireless technologies aimed in part at bringing video to consumers — and preventing them from copying it. The content protection scheme, known as “Intel Insider,” is a feature built into its second-generation Core processors, whic
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Intel Beefs Up CPUs With Graphics Power — and Content Protection

LAS VEGAS — Intel is preparing a new line of processing, graphics and wireless technologies aimed in part at bringing video to consumers — and preventing them from copying it.

The content protection scheme, known as “Intel Insider,” is a feature built into its second-generation Core processors, which Intel unveiled Wednesday at the Consumer Electronics Show here.

The feature will prevent playback or copying of HD video content through insecure channels within a PC. For example, video can be delivered to a secured HDMI port, but not over an unsecured PCI bus. It also provides a mechanism for online content providers to recognize Intel Insider computers, and deliver copy-protected content only to them.

“It’s like an armored truck, if you will,” Intel marketing director Josh Newman told Wired.com. “It’s a way of securing the content once it’s inside the PC.”

Full story: Intel Beefs Up CPUs With Graphics Power — and Content Protection | Gadget Lab | Wired.com.


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