Rough Drafts

I believe.

Via Joho: BeliefNet has emerged from bankruptcy and is now back online. This is the home of the nifty Belief-o-matic, a quiz that asks what your beliefs are and then tells you which religions most clearly mirror those views. Last time I took this test, it told me I was a Theravada Buddhist. Today, i
Dylan Tweney

Via Joho: BeliefNet has emerged from bankruptcy and is now back online. This is the home of the nifty Belief-o-matic, a quiz that asks what your beliefs are and then tells you which religions most clearly mirror those views. Last time I took this test, it told me I was a Theravada Buddhist. Today, it told me I’m a Unitarian Universalist. I wonder what John Calvin would have said if he’d been born a Theravadin, or a Unitarian.

Steve Waldman, Beliefnet’s editor in chief, has an online diary about his company’s reincarnation.


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