Media Appearances

Cranky Geeks.

I’m on the latest episode of John C. Dvorak’s video show, Cranky Geeks, this week. This was a fun one: The guests were former Ziffians Annaliza Savage and myself, both of whom are now working at Wired.com, and we had a lively, pugnacious conversation with Dvorak about filesharing, China blocking You
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Dylan Tweney on Cranky Geeks

I’m on the latest episode of John C. Dvorak’s video show, Cranky Geeks, this week. This was a fun one: The guests were former Ziffians Annaliza Savage and myself, both of whom are now working at Wired.com, and we had a lively, pugnacious conversation with Dvorak about filesharing, China blocking YouTube, botnets, and the war. And I managed to piss out not only Dvorak but also a whole bunch of viewers with my suggestion that the RIAA’s proposed P2P surcharge might actually be a good idea. Check it out!


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