Rough Drafts

CA web site scandal.

In its online portal project, the state of California paid one vendor $3.2 million and another $8.4 million without comparing prices or analyzing other factors, as called for in state guidelines.
Dylan Tweney

California debuted a nice shiny new portal a couple of years ago, which I wrote about at the time. One of the people responsible building the site was Arun Baheti. When I interviewed him in 2001, he boasted that he’d built the entire site in under 110 days with a budget of $2 million. Now it turns out that the site cost quite a bit more than that. “The state paid one vendor $3.2 million and another $8.4 million without comparing prices or analyzing other factors, as called for in state guidelines,” writes John Hill in today’s Sacramento Bee story.

Damn, I hate it when they lie to me.


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