Rough Drafts

Bigger than Hollywood.

Video games are now a $20 billion industry, making them bigger than Hollywood (as measured by box-office revenues, anyhow; the film industry actually makes more money from videos and DVDs than they do from movie theaters). No surprise, then, that the average age of video gamers is going up–it’s now
Dylan Tweney

Video games are now a $20 billion industry, making them bigger than Hollywood (as measured by box-office revenues, anyhow; the film industry actually makes more money from videos and DVDs than they do from movie theaters). No surprise, then, that the average age of video gamers is going up–it’s now 29–although half of gamers are still under 18.

I’ll be in LA the rest of this week to check out the video gaming industry’s main convention, E3.

And, I’ll be appearing on Dennis Miller’s show on CNBC, this Friday night at 9, to talk about some cool new gadgets for games and entertainment.


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