Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2001 posts
Rough Drafts

Four PCs for your home theater.

Adding a computer to your home theater no longer means crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. In the latest issue of WIRED, I review 4 PCs that handle video and audio with aplomb, and even play saved movies while burning DVDs, thanks to the powerful Intel chips inside. But guess what: The to
Dylan Tweney

Kings of All Media

Kings of All Media Adding a computer to your home theater no longer means crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. All of the rigs here handle video and audio with aplomb, and even play saved movies while burning DVDs. For the Windows PCs, Intel’s Viiv (rhymes with five) standard promises plug
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Rough Drafts

Get blacklisted by Google in just one day!

Last week, my haiku site, tinywords, appeared as the 30th-40th result on a search for haiku on Google. This week, it’s not in the top 500. What happened? I think Google is punishing me for mentioning the word “haiku” too many times in a previous post, which I admit I did in a fit of […]
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

How to facilitate great conversations on your blog.

The essence of good conversation is give and take. The problem blog-based “conversations” is that the essential give and take is almost always missing. I might say something provocative on my blog, and you might be moved to comment, but that’s usually where the back and forth ends. If I’m an especia
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Star dot-com analyst recants.

Technologists think their business is the creation of cool technologies, because they are engineers who thrill to the idea of change. By contrast, Coburn says, “technology is widely hated by its users,” because ordinary folk loathe change: Technology Review: Emerging Technologies and their Impact
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Google’s embarrassing mistake.

I think it’s time we all agreed that the “nofollow” tag has been a complete failure. For those of you new to the concept, nofollow is a tag that blogs can add to hyperlinks in blog comments. The tag tells Google not to use that link in calculating the PageRank for the linked site. In […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read
Rough Drafts

Kindred, by Octavia E. Butler.

The premise of Kindred is that Dana, an African-American woman living in the late 1970s, is suddenly transported back in time to a Maryland slave plantation in 1819. It turns out that she’s been called back in time to save the son of the white plantation owner–a boy who, she soon learns, is one of [
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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