Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2001 posts
Rough Drafts

SMS: 3x the info for 1/3 the cost of 411.

411 directory assistance calls are one of the biggest ripoffs of the mobile phone world: they cost between $1.20 and $1.75 per call, plus airtime charges. In contrast, a service like Google SMS will cost you at most 20-50 cents in text messaging charges — and you can get 3 listings per request inste
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Rhetorical bending.

Just for fun I thought I’d make a list of paired words and phrases that exhibit obvious (and opposing) rhetorical slants: global warming – climate crisis illegal alien – undocumented worker low budget – lean liberal – progressive muckraker – investigative reporter blogger – citizen journalist mainst
Dylan Tweney

The Boy Who Sees with Sound : People.com

Blind since age 3, this kid taught himself to see using echolocation … which is sensitive enough that he can tell the difference between a car and a pickup truck: The Boy Who Sees with Sound : People.com (via Scot)
Dylan Tweney

Pop vs soda

Another Ohio item: Where I come from is, it turns out, deep in the heart of “pop” country. Where I live now is “soda” land. No wonder I feel so alienated sometimes. (via Mark)
Dylan Tweney

deep cleveland junkmail oracle

deep cleveland books is the keeper of the flame for beat poet d.a. levy and home of the Cleveland-centric e-zine, the deep cleveland junkmail oracle. Yes, there is intelligent life in Ohio!
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Who’s wagging the long tail?

The “long tail” is digerati shorthand for the the increasing profitability of companies’ backlists–the formerly neglected niche products that used to be kept in stock just in case one of them suddenly turned into a breakout hit, or because they were simply necessary to have a fully-stocked store. No
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Google AdSense vs. AdBrite.

Just for kicks, and because AdBrite has such cute branding, I decided to check out its advertising network. I’ve been using Google AdSense for awhile (and just got my first $100 check from it last month, woo hoo) but I’m open to alternatives, especially if they stand a chance of making me a little d
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

My haiku in Heron’s Nest.

Calder sculpture; a single brown leaf tumbling from the sky published in The Heron’s Nest VIII.2, June 2006 This is my first published haiku outside of tinywords.
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts


When I was a kid, the more gears your bike had, the cooler it was. Yet San Francisco is just crawling with single-speed bikes. On closer inspection, I found that many of these bikes don’t even have coaster brakes–they’ve got direct-drive chains. As long as the wheels are turning, the crank is turnin
Dylan Tweney

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