Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

Starseed quiz.

Are you a child of the stars? Apparently I’ve got some ancestral roots in the Pleiades. The Starseed Quiz
Dylan Tweney

Craigslist Meets the Capitalists.

Banker “doesn’t quite get the concept of serving customers first, and worrying about revenues later” — and for this Craigslist is called a communist operation? What has capitalism come to? Craigslist Meets the Capitalists
Dylan Tweney
Published Work

Networking Vendors Will Invade Your Living Room at CES

Networking vendors are lusting after the lucrative consumer electronics market, and at next month’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, they’ll highlight the latest enticements they’ve concocted in order to draw home users into an ever-more networked world. Key to that strategy for many vendors
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Rough Drafts

Skype’s tricky move.

Last week EBay’s Skype announced a new “unlimited calling” plan. Starting in January, the company will charge $30 for a year of unlimited SkypeOut calls to any phone numbers in the U.S. and Canada. (They’re offering an introductory rate of $15 if you sign up before the end of January.) This brings a
Dylan Tweney 2 min read


“I was a teenage angle trisector.” Mathematical memoir and a surprisingly readable discussion of what it means to prove something: American Scientist Online – Foolproof
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Taxonomies gone wild.

I’m amused by this author “bio” on Harpers.org, which was clearly created by a computer geek in love with taxonomic classifications: This is Ford, Paul, an author and a human being. He is part of Authors, which is part of Human Beings, which is part of Connections, which is part of Harpers.org. Read
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Published Work

Amimon Promises Wireless HD Link In 2007

A big-screen plasma TV would look pretty sweet hanging on your living room wall, wouldn’t it? But unless you want to start drilling holes and pulling cable, you’re going to have an unsightly additional feature: A black HDMI cable snaking down from the flat-panel to your HD-DVD, Blu-Ray player, or se
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Political Compass Questionnaire

On the political compass, I fall in the “lefty libertarian” quadrant — not far from the Dalai Lama. In AD&D terms, I think that means “chaotic good.” Economic Left/Right: -3.25 Social Libertarian/ Authoritarian: -6.15 Political Compass Questionnaire
Dylan Tweney

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