Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

Jobs on DRM: The record labels made me do it.

Apple: “In 2006, under 2 billion DRM-protected songs were sold worldwide by online stores, while over 20 billion songs were sold completely DRM-free and unprotected on CDs by the music companies themselves.” Apple – Thoughts on Music
Dylan Tweney

Pilotless drone.

I think I speak for all editors when I say we love nutcase feedback like this: Chronicle Podcasts : “Pilotless Drone”
Dylan Tweney

Broadband as a labor issue.

I’m happy to see that the Communications Workers of America (that’s a trade union, for all of you Silicon Valley readers who have never heard of such a thing) is launching a campaign to push for faster broadband for all US citizens. It’s a union issue because it means more jobs pulling cables and fi
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Firefox 2.0.

Firefox 2.0, which I finally upgraded to this week, offers two standout advantages relative to 1.5. It’s faster. Pages load noticeably quicker — in some cases, as little as 50% of the time they took under 1.5, judging by the performance I’ve seen on Bloglines, Gmail, and an assortment of websites. L
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Spammers, please adjust your scripts.

To the comment spammers hitting my haiku site: There is something buggy with one of your scripts. I keep getting these comments that contain nothing but a bogus email address and a single word: Array Now, come on. You call this comment spam? Not even a link to a phentermine or Cialis site? No keywor
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

What happened to iTunes?

Generally, Apple does software reasonably well. The company understands that the user experience doesn’t end with the plastic and the circuits, but also encompasses the on-screen interface, the dialog boxes, and even the fonts used in its applications. So what happened to iTunes? Version 7 is, frank
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Wikipedia color swatches.

Somebody has spent a lot of time putting hex codes and swatches for every imaginable color into wikipedia, along with links to related color entries. This is actually useful. Some examples: safety orange – chartreuse – ecru – but not, alas, Pantone 292
Dylan Tweney

How to hack the government.

Carl Malamud explains 10 tricks for making government work for you. Mostly practical, a few idealistic: Internet Archive: Details: Hack 1: Be Media (Internet Governance in a Nutshell)
Dylan Tweney

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