Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

The Obama Maneuver.

Our biggest trick — and it’s not really a big stroke of genius or anything — is simply to make a huge and dramatic presentation and then not let anyone actually see the phone. The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: You can’t reverse-engineer my presentation skills, sorry
Dylan Tweney

The iPhone is pretty damn fun.

I’ve been playing with an iPhone all weekend, and I haven’t had this much fun with a gadget in a long time. Is it useful? You bet. No phone does web browsing or email quite as well as this one. Plus it’s a great music player, video player, and photo browser, and it’s got tons […]
Dylan Tweney

The greatest gadgets of all time.

If you understand what a “gadget” is, please go vote for your favorites here — lots of people are unclear on the concept, so we need some smarties to offset the clueless: Wired News: The Greatest Gadgets of All Time
Dylan Tweney

Safari slower than Firefox?

Well, that was fun! My quick-and-dirty benchmark of Safari 3 for Windows really brought the haters out of the woodwork: Wired News Benchmarks Show Safari 3 Is Slower Than IE 7, Firefox
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

Space Cowboys and the Steampunk Treehouse.

One of the best discoveries I made at the Yuri’s Night party at NASA Ames a couple months ago was the Space Cowboys, a group of people with a modified Mercedes-Benz Unimog — it looks like a military vehicle — that they’ve turned into a self-contained, mobile, fully street-legal dance machine. Once p
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Beer vs. biofuels.

I was shocked to learn that barley prices have doubled in the last 2 years, thanks to demand for the stuff from biofuels makers. I’m all for fighting global warming, but this is getting out of hand, people! Trouble brewing for beers prices
Dylan Tweney
Rough Drafts

The information universe and what it wants.

That modest subject is what I was asked to speak about, yesterday at the meeting of OCLC‘s RLG Programs group in Washington, DC. My presentation gave a quick overview of the web, covered the current state of information management on the internet (focusing on social media, tagging, and the search ma
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Overheard on the Metro.

“Calm down, go to the club, have a beer — I can’t be holding your hand all the time!” — Harried sounding young woman, talking on her cell phone as she emerged from the DC Metro.
Dylan Tweney

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