Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

12 Good Gadgets for Hard Times

An economic crisis changes the way you think about gadgets. Is a $400 game console bundle really what you want to be spending your hard-earned money on, considering that you could be out of a job in six months? Maybe not — though we’re sympathetic to the idea that the recently unemployed might need
Dylan Tweney 7 min read

Unwarranted optimism about the publishing industry.

I’m quoted in Folio magazine’s annual survey of editors and publishers, making an uncharacteristically wild-eyed prediction about how great things are going to be in 2009: In 2009, we’ll see even more magazine startups, as entrepreneurs with funding (or un-maxed-out credit cards) seize the twin oppo
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Dec. 9, 1968: The Mother of All Demos

1968: Computer scientist Douglas Engelbart kicks off the personal computer revolution with a product demonstration that is so amazing it inspires a generation of technologists. It will become known as “the mother of all demos.” The presentation included the debut of the computer mouse, which Engelba
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

Silicon Valley Conference Aims to Raise Planetary IQ

Forty years ago Tuesday, a Silicon Valley engineer named Douglas Engelbart made a presentation so influential that computer scientists now call it "the mother of all demos." More than a mere product demo, it was a down payment on an ambitious idea: that networked computers could help groups of peopl
Dylan Tweney 3 min read

Nov. 26, 1894: Cybernetics Pioneer Norbert Wiener Born

1894: Norbert Wiener is born in Columbia, Missouri. A child prodigy, he goes on to become one of the 20th century’s most famous mathematicians and the founder of the discipline of cybernetics, the study of self-regulating systems. Norbert’s father, Leo Wiener, was a lecturer (and later professor) of
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Rough Drafts

Journalism and PR in the new media age.

As the publishing industry collapses, it’s becoming clear that both journalists and public relations people need to change the way they work. Amazingly, it’s still possible to find journalists throwing hissy fits about email blasts or blacklisting PR people for showing insufficient deference. This k
Dylan Tweney 5 min read
Rough Drafts

Social networking comes of age.

If anyone doubted the power and importance of online social networks, the election of Barack Obama should have put that to rest. Much has been made of the Obama campaign’s use of the internet as an organizing, fundraising and marketing tool. The core of that strategy was a social network, MyBarackOb
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Rough Drafts

Geotagging the news.

Imagine that news stories and blog posts could be tied to a geographic area. If lots of news publishers and bloggers did this, you could: Search Google News for stories from a specific neighborhood, like “Hyde Park in Chicago,” or a general region, like “within 50 miles of Three Mile Island.” Find a
Dylan Tweney 3 min read
Rough Drafts

New chips transform photography, video.

While I was on vacation, a feature story I wrote earlier in the month got published on Wired. It’s about the technological progress in CMOS imaging chips, and why the tech is making it possible, for the first time, to record video on a digital single-lens reflex camera. Photographers are really exci
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

New Chips Poised to Revolutionize Photography, Film

For the first time, professional-grade single-lens reflex cameras are gaining the ability to record high-definition video. That capability, photographers say, has the potential to transform both still photography and moviemaking — and it’s largely thanks to advances in the semiconductor technology u
Dylan Tweney 6 min read
Rough Drafts

Where’s my freaking bailout?

I’m angry enough about the prospect of a stupidly conceived financial industry bailout that I wrote the following letter to my state Representative, Jackie Speier, as well as Senators Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Barack Obama and John McCain. I would have sent a copy to Rep. Barney Frank as well
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

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