Dylan Tweney

Dylan Tweney

2003 posts

Blind photographers

Brian X. Chen wrote a moving story about how three professional photographers are continuing to pursue their art even though they’re almost totally blind. One of them went blind after he’d become a photographer, but has found a way to continue working using a Nokia N82 and an iPhone 3GS. This piece
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

To Run Better, Start By Ditching Your Nikes

Before the Nikes, before the breathable, antimicrobial running shorts, before the personal fitness coaches, heart rate monitors, wrist-mounted GPS and subscriptions to Runner’s World, you were a runner. And, like all children, you ran barefoot. Now, a small but growing body of research suggests that
Dylan Tweney 7 min read

News lessons from TMZ and Michael Jackson

Los Angeles gossip site TMZ got the scoop that Michael Jackson died. They had it about half an hour after paramedics arrived, and about 15 minutes ahead of the LA Times. When the LA Times blog was just reporting that MJ was in the hospital, and then in a coma, TMZ already had a headline […]
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Open letter to a reader of Wired.com

Thanks for your careful attention to our blogs. It may come as a surprise to you to find out that Wired publishes about 10 different blogs, accounting for a total of 50-100 articles per day, with a staff of about 25. By contrast, Wired magazine publishes about 85-100 pages of stories per month with
Dylan Tweney 1 min read

Sultans of Stride

Arnulfo Quimare and Scott Jurek, two of the greatest ultra-long distance runners right now. “Got it!” Luis said, dropping back
Dylan Tweney 1 min read
Rough Drafts

Remember to look left

This is a hell of an obit about a man who must have been a hell of a writer. Not being a sports fan, I hadn’t heard about Bud Shrake until I read this, and now I’m sorry I missed him. I’m pretty sure they aren’t making journalists like this any more. Sally Jenkins – […]
Dylan Tweney 2 min read

Robot Mouse

Mini bio of Claude Shannon, founder of modern information theory: April 30, 1916: Information Theory, Who’s Your Daddy? | This Day In Tech.
Dylan Tweney

“I would be buying media properties”

Former Gawker editor and Awl founder Choire Sicha: “If I were going to be buying things now, I would be buying media properties. You get a lot of bang for your buck. People are making good, stable money, recession or no. Now is the time that people should be trying things and having fun.” Choire […]
Dylan Tweney

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